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Parallel meshless radial basis function collocation method for neutron diffusion problems
TANBAY TAYFUN , Yayın Yeri: Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering , 2024
UluslararasıHakemliTR DİZİNÖzgün Makalehttp://dx.doi.org/10.17482/uumfd.1325198
Multiobjective optimization of a pressurized water reactor cogeneration plant for nuclear hydrogen production
TANBAY TAYFUN, DURMAYAZ AHMET , Yayın Yeri: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2024
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.05.001
Numerical modelling of groundwater radionuclide transport with finite difference-based method of lines
TANBAY TAYFUN,DURMAYAZ AHMET , Yayın Yeri: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , 2023
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10967-023-09020-1
Impact of combustion chamber wall heat loss on the energy, exergy, ecology, NOx emission based performance and multiobjective optimization of the precooled scimitar engine
TANBAY TAYFUN, DURMAYAZ AHMET , Yayın Yeri: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2023
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.11.282
Energy, exergy and ecological analysis and multiobjective optimization of the hydrogen-fueled Scimitar engine with fixed nozzle geometry
TANBAY TAYFUN, DURMAYAZ AHMET , Yayın Yeri: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 2022
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.01.127
Modelling Road User Perceptions towards Safety, Comfort, and Chaos at Shared Space: The via Maqueda Case Study, Italy
AKGÜN NURTEN, Campisi Tiziana, TANBAY TAYFUN, Tesoriere Giovanni, Dissanayake Dilum , Yayın Yeri: Journal of Advanced Transportation , 2022
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/4979496
Fully meshless solution of the one-dimensional multigroup neutron transport equation with the radial basis function collocation method
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttps://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0898122119304419
Assessment of NOx emissions of the Scimitar engine at Mach 5 based on a thermodynamic cycle analysis
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttps://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0360319919307487
Exergy and NOx emission-based ecological performance analysis of the Scimitar engine
TANBAY TAYFUN,DURMAYAZ AHMET , Yayın Yeri: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power , 2020
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makalehttps://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/gasturbinespower/article/142/8/081008/1085136/Exergy-and-NOx-Emission-Based-Ecological
A meshless method based on symmetric RBF collocation for neutron diffusion problems
TANBAY TAYFUN,OZGENER BILGE , Yayın Yeri: Acta Physica Polonica A , 2019
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makale
Meshless solution of the neutron diffusion equation by the RBF collocation method using optimum shape parameters
TANBAY TAYFUN , Yayın Yeri: Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering , 2019
UluslararasıHakemliDOAJÖzgün Makale
On the accuracy and stability of the meshless RBF collocation method for neutron diffusion calculations
TANBAY TAYFUN , Yayın Yeri: Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering , 2018
UluslararasıHakemliDOAJÖzgün Makale
Effect of heat leakage on the performance of a twin-spool turbofan engine
Çolakoğlu Mert,TANBAY TAYFUN,DURMAYAZ AHMET,SÖĞÜT OĞUZ SALİM , Yayın Yeri: International Journal of Exergy , 2016
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makale
Determining distribution of heavy metal pollution in terms of ecological risk levels in soil of industrially intensive areas around Istanbul
HACIYAKUPOĞLU SEVİLAY,ESEN AYŞE NUR,ERENTÜRK SEMA,Okka Muhittin,Genceli Mehmet,Mercimek Mehmet,GENCELİ NACİYE ESRA,Yusan Sabriye,Filiz Filiz Gür,ÖLGEN MUHİBULLAH KİRAMİ,Camtakan Zeyneb,Kızıltaş Sahip,TANBAY TAYFUN , Yayın Yeri: Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry , 2015
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makale
Exergy-based ecological optimisation of a turbofan engine
TANBAY TAYFUN,DURMAYAZ AHMET,SÖĞÜT OĞUZ SALİM , Yayın Yeri: International Journal of Exergy , 2015
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makale
A comparison of the meshless RBF collocation method with finite element and boundary element methods in neutron diffusion calculations
TANBAY TAYFUN,ÖZGENER BİLGE , Yayın Yeri: Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements , 2014
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makale
Numerical solution of the multigroup neutron diffusion equation by the meshless RBF collocation method
TANBAY TAYFUN,ÖZGENER BİLGE , Yayın Yeri: Mathematical and Computational Applications , 2013
UluslararasıHakemliScopusÖzgün Makale
A numerical method for resonance integral calculations
TANBAY TAYFUN,ÖZGENER BİLGE , Yayın Yeri: Kerntechnik , 2013
UluslararasıHakemliSCI-ExpandedÖzgün Makale
Comprehensive Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Pressurized Water Reactor Driven Multi-Stage Flash Desalination Plant
Akyürek Erdem,TANBAY TAYFUN , Yayın Yeri: Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi , 2024
UlusalHakemliTR DİZİNÖzgün Makalehttps://doi.org/10.17798/bitlisfen.1500249
Energy and exergy analysis of the 1220 MW natural gas-fired Hamitabat combined cycle power plant
TOPAL GÖKSEL,TANBAY TAYFUN , Yayın Yeri: International Journal of Energy Studies , 2023
UlusalHakemliTR DİZİNÖzgün Makalehttp://dx.doi.org/10.58559/ijes.1327547